About eBeefs


African revolutionary Amilcar Cabral implored us to expose lies whenever they are told. George Orwell wrote somewhere that in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. In our matrix of universal deceit and neoliberal devastation, this website is part of that truth-telling, Orwellian revolution.

I am an independent journalist, author, filmmaker and critical theorist.  Marxist and Pan-Africanist, I am an occasional student reading for a master’s in Media and Communications. My first book, The Dialectic and the Detective: The Arab Spring and Regime Change in Libya, was published in 2018.  Using the dialectical method of Marx and Engels, the book demonstrated beyond any doubt that the so-called Arab Spring was a smokescreen created by the imperialist powers – primarily America, Britain and France – to remove Muammar Gaddafi (and Bashar al-Assad of Syria).

My second book, Black & Red: Selected Essays and Journalism, is an anthology of writings over the previous decade. The collection has pieces on Pan-Africanism, Neoliberalism and underdevelopment in Africa, Zionism and the Palestinian Question, racism and, of course, imperialism and media manipulation – all subjects very close to my heart.

I am also the author of a 14,000-word essay titled Enforcing Consent: The Theory of Communicative Violence and How it operates in the Media and Cultural Industries. This work advances and develops my theory of “Communicative Violence”, essentially the contention that the mass media and cultural industries in neoliberal capitalism function as enforcers of bourgeois violence against subordinate classes and groups. This conclusion was also arrived at using the materialist dialectical methodology of the founders of Marxism. The essay broke new ground in Marxian critical theory. All these works can be found on Amazon.

Our video documentaries include Fighting Mothers and Friends, about homeless young mothers in the East End of London who challenged the might of the British establishment in their struggle for decent housing; and Syria: Operation Red line, which exposed the imperialist lie that Assad used chemical weapons in Syria in 2013 (the US- and Saudi-backed so-called “revolutionaries” did it!). Both can be accessed here.  My film on the false-flag Libyan “revolution” is in production.

In Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction, Samuel L Jackson’s anti-hero – Jules Winfield – has a form of words he repeats just before he does his “work”. Ours comes from Marx, who spoke of “a ruthless criticism of everything existing; ruthless in two senses: The criticism must not be afraid of its own conclusions, nor of conflict with the powers that be.”

Julian Lahai Samboma

Email: Samboj [a] ebeefs.com